Synthetic Aperture Radar Images Analysis and Applications - 2020


Spring Semester, 2020, Geophysics Department, Peking University

Course goal

By the end of this course, participants will be able to understand how SAR works and what can be done by cutting-edge SAR imaging geodesy. I hope all participants will be able derive information from SAR images using interferometry and/or pixel-offset tracking after finishing this course. For some participants, you will be able to know how to start and where to learn if you want to use some advanced SAR/InSAR methods in your research. Even If you are not interested in processing SAR images, when you need displacement measurements from SAR imagery, you will know where to find your collaborators (your classmates!).

Text books

  1. 廖明生,王腾 《时间序列 InSAR 技术与应用》科学出版社,2014

  2. R. F. Hanssen, Radar Interferometry-Data Interpretation and Error Analysis, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands, 2001.

  3. A. Ferretti et al., InSAR Principles: Guidelines for SAR Interferometry Processing and Interpretation,ESA Publisher,2007.

Teaching Plan

Session 1: Proposal writing (Week 1-6, 30%)

Thank you for taking the SAR data analysis course.

I suppose most of you want to use SAR images as a tool to derive the information you need for your research. The goal of this course is to stimulate your curiosity in studying crustal deformation using SAR imagery, either tectonic or none-tectonic.

Considering the situation right now, I adjust the teaching strategy, and move forward the proposal writing session before the lectures with SAR image processing and analysis methods.

We will focus on reading papers and writing proposal for the first month (6 weeks) of our course. I will send you some material to read. You need spend time on them to understand:

  1. What kind of information you need to derive from geodetic data, such as SAR images for your research?

  2. What images/methods you need to learn in order to fulfill your research goal.

Then the course requires you to write a 3-page (excluding references) scientific proposal by the end of this session.

This session will take 30% of the total grading. 1/3 from the discussion with me, and 1/3 from peer evaluation, 1/3 from my evaluation from your proposal.

Reading assessment

Select one paper in the reference list, which is most close to you research field. Read the paper carefully and deeply. Surely you can read any paper you find in your field but not in the list. There are also some textbooks and review papers in the folder, and you can discuss with me about which chapter you want to read.

Reading Material

Challenges in geodesy

GrandChallengesInGeodesy-Final-Singles-LR.pdf (2009)

measuring-the-restless-earth.pdf (2018)

These two reports are written by a group of geodetic scientists, to describe what is geodesy, and what is the scopes and challenges in this field. The purpose of reading these two reports is to understand what can be done with modern space geodetic techniques. At this stage, you don’t have to know how it works, but to know what kind of information can be extracted, and which scientific problems can be resolved from geodetic data.

Research article

Select one paper from any topic you are interested in, or a paper you selected by yourself.

Session 2: SAR image analysis lectures (Week 7-16, 40%)

Ch 0. Introduction 绪论 (Lecture 1)

0.1 Deformation and geodesy | 地表形变和大地测量

0.2 Introduction to SAR systems | SAR系统发展概述

0.3 SAR Imaging Geodesy and Applications | 雷达影像测地学应用及案例

0.4 Test-1: Searching for SAR images | SAR影像数据查询和下载

Lecture material


Ch 1. Principle of SAR imaging | SAR成像原理 (Lecture 2)

1.1 Synthetic Aperture Radar | 合成孔径雷达成像原理

1.2 Coherent imaging |相干成像

1.3 Speckle noises | 斑点噪声

1.4 Test-2: Plotting and knowing SAR images | SAR影像读取、显示和地物识别

Lecture material

SAR Movies

Ch 2. SAR Amplitude | 幅度影像(Lecture 3)

2.1 Target scattering mechanism | 目标散射特性

2.2 Point-like target and distributed target | 点目标和分布式目标

2.3 Amplitude image interpretation and target detection | 幅度影像解译和目标探测

2.4 Test-3: detect strong reflectors in SAR images | 从雷达影像中探测强散射体

Lecture material


Ch 3. SAR imaging geometry | SAR成像几何(Lecture 4)

3.1 SAR slant-range imaging geometry | SAR斜视成像几何

3.2 Geometric distortion | 几何畸变

3.3 Geocoding | 地理编码

3.4 Test 4: Tracking oil level in a tank | 利用雷达成像几何观察油罐储油量变化

Lecture material

Ch 4. image cross-correlation and pixel offsets | 影像互相关和像素偏移(Lecture 5)

4.1 Cross-correlation | 互相关计算

4.2 Pixel-offset tracking | 像素偏移追踪

4.3 Three-dimensional displacement inversion | 三维形变反演

4.4 Test 5: Calculating displacements due to nuclear test | 计算核爆形变场

Lecture material


Ch 5. SAR interferometry | 干涉测量(Lecture 6)

5.1 Interferogram formation | 干涉图的形成

5.2 Geometric information in interferogram | 干涉图中的几何信息

5.3 Errors in interferometry | 干涉相位误差来源及分析

5.4 Test-6: Calculating coseismic interferometric phases | SAR数据提取地震同震形变

Lecture material


Ch 6. Phase unwrapping | 相位解缠(Lecture 7)

6.1 Principle of phase unwrapping | 相位解缠问题的提出及基本解决思路

6.2 Branch-cut and minimum Lp normal methods | 枝切法和最小范数法

6.3 Statistical-cost, Network-flow Algorithm for Phase Unwrapping | 最小统计费用流方法

6.4 Test-7: unwarp interferogram | 干涉图接缠

Lecture material

Ch 7. Coherence and change detection | 相干性和变化检测(Lecture 8)

7.1 Changes in SAR images| 不同时相SAR影像变化

7.2 Coherence and Coherence analysis | 相干性及其去相干分析

7.3 Statistics in time-series SAR amplitude images | 时间序列幅度影像统计特征

7.4 Test-8: Detecting post-seismic landslides | 利用幅度和相干性影像探测震后滑坡

Lecture material

Ch 8. Time-series InSAR analysis and applications | 时间序列InSAR分析及应用(Lecture 9)

8.1 Principle of time-series InSAR analysis | 时间序列InSAR分析基本原理

8.2 堆栈方法(Stacking)- 震间形变

8.3永久散射体技术(PS-InSAR)- 城市沉降和基础设施形变监测

8.4 小基线数据集方法(SBAS)- 火山、滑坡形变

Lecture material

Ch 9. Conclusions | 总结和展望

9.1 Further SAR mission and applications | 未来SAR卫星计划和新的应用场景

9.2 Bottleneck of current SAR image analysis and solutions | 当前SAR数据处理技术瓶颈和解决思路

9.3 SAR imaging geodesy with big data | 大数据条件下SAR数据处理发展趋势

9.4 Conclusions and discussion | 课程总结和讨论

Session 3: Report writing and presenting (Week 15-17, 30%)

Based on the proposal, add what you have done during the course, improve it to a report and then I hope it will be a manuscript to be submitted.

Synthetic Aperture Radar Images Analysis and Applications
